I'd like to share with you a Q&A session that I have had with Michelle Jamieson, who will be teaching our class at the Kilcoy Retreat in April......a bit of a "get to know you" session........

1. How did you start in Scrapbooking and how long have you been doing it?
I started as a Card maker when I was about 18yrs old, by my Mum. She ran a weekly card class and I loved participating in it. Then after going to a Craft Show many years ago, I found my niche…Scrapbooking. I loved everything about it and have been hooked ever since. So, I’ve been scrapbooking about 15 years now.
2. What do you enjoy most about scrapbooking?
The quiet creative time to myself. I scrap mainly at night when everyone has gone to bed, as I have young children. That becomes “my time”, at the end of the day. I’m a bit of a night owl too, which sees me up into the wee hours at times, so I can just finish that layout off!
3. What is your style?
My style is always changing, so to describe it best I’m an eclectic scrapper. I love bright colours, paint and I usually scrap with more than one photo on a layout.
I love trying new designs and techniques and will give just about anything a go!
4. What are your favourite 3 products at the moment and what can’t you do without?
My favourite products would be washi tape(a Japanese washi paper in the form of tape). I love the stuff and use it on everything of late!
I love chipboard lettering, as it gives such great dimension and it comes in so many colours and styles.
Lastly would be bakers twine. I love tying bows and knots and adding texture to my layouts!
5. Where do you find inspiration for your layouts?
I love looking through online galleries, magazines and what’s in style. You can get a lot of inspiration from what you see around you.
6. How do you get through Scrappers block?
It happens to everyone and when it does strike pull out those Scrap magazines or look at online galleries and find something you like. It could be a design, the placement of a flower or they may have used glimmer mist for example. Start with something and expand on it. Get out the cutter and start cutting paper and pushing it around your page. You’ll eventually like what you see
7. What is the best advice you would give to newbie scrapbookers?
Invest in a good cutter and pair of scissors! Don’t expect to create what you see in magazines next week. It’s a process and your journey as a scrapbooker will evolve in time. We all had to start somewhere.
I hope that you have learned a little about Michelle here. I'm sure her class will be an exciting one and she will be sharing lots of tips with us and showing us how to make some handmade embellishments as well, similar to what she has available in her Etsy store at Chelley Bean Designs. I hope to see you at the Retreat.Take care, Ann :-)