October Retreat 2014 at Bribie Island is now up on the website!! Book your spot soon to avoid disappointment in attending Check the website www.qldscrapbookingretreats.com.au for more information. Book soon to avoid disappointment!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sketch challenge reminder....
I just wanted to remind you about the Sketch challenge that is being run by Multi-Photo Scrapbook layout blog. You have until the end of May to submit your page so check out the blog http://multiphotoscrapbooklayouts.blogspot.com for further information and inspiration!
TFL, Ann :-)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Noosa Retreat Tutor...... Ta Daaa....

I am so excited to tell you that our tutor for our Saturday class at the Noosa Retreat is the gorgeous Suzanne Tonga. Suzanne has a beautiful style of scrapbooking and I know that you will just love her class.
Here is a little bit about Suzanne:-
1. How did you start in Scrapbooking & when?
I have been scrapbooking for about 7 years. I have a background in science but after maternity leave with my second child, I decided I was ready for a change and started working and teaching at my local scrapbooking store.
2. What do you enjoy most about Scrapbooking?
I have always loved photography and stationery, so scrapbooking was a perfect fit for me! I love that we can enjoy the arty process while creating precious memories about our children and our lives. I hope that they will look back on the albums one day and smile and perhaps will be reminded of things that they had forgotten.
3. What is your scrapbooking style?
I always find it hard to define my scrapbooking style but my layouts usually involve multiple small photos, lots of layers and definitely stitching! I cannot create a layout without stitching! The inspiration for me, really starts with the photos. I mainly scrapbook photos of my children, Bailey 10, and Lily, 7, and also of my nieces and nephews.
4. What are your favourite products at the moment?
Working in a scrapbooking store gives me access to a lot of beautiful products and I have many, many favourite brands. At the moment, I would say that Pink Paislee and Crate Paper are the ones that I look to most when new products are released but there are many others that I love and use regularly.
5. Where do you find inspiration for your layouts?
I read lots of blogs and many of them are fashion, photography and decorating ones. The colours and patterns really inspire me and get my mind in a creative mood. I also love to visit our local markets as the atmosphere is really conducive to creativity.
6. How do you get through Scrapper's block?
If you are feeling frustrated during the creative process, my advice is to take a break. Go for walk or do something completely different. Chances are, when you come back you will be ready to try again. I usually take a lot of time to create a layout. It sits on my desk and each time I walk past, I look at it with fresh eyes until I work out what it 'needs'.
7. What is the best advice you would give to newbie scrapbookers?
If you are just starting out in scrapbooking, it can be a little overwhelming. My advice is to take it slowly. Find your style by using other peoples' work as inspiration and you will eventually discover what works for you.
Suzanne adds "During my scrapbooking journey I have been fortunate enough to be published in many scrapbooking magazines and work on several design teams. At the moment I am a design team member of Aussie Scrap Source, a company who is fantastic to work for. The Australian scrapbooking industry consists of many talented people and I feel very lucky to be a part of it."
Suzanne is teaching at the Brisbane Scrapbooking Convention in June and her classes "sold out" very quickly! So I am really looking forward to having her for our Retreat and learning more about her style and technique.
I hope to see you there.
Take care, Ann :-)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sketch Challenge
I thought I would just let you know of the Sketch Challenge that Multi-Photo Scrapbook Layouts blog is running this month. The sketch used is from Got Sketch? and has been created by Janna Wilson.

You have until the end of May to submit your layout and as usual a nice prize is on offer for the winner. You can send your layouts to mealin@optusnet.com.au.
Have fun with it and don't forget to check out the blog for some multi-photo layout inspiration! http://multiphotoscrapbooklayouts.blogspot.com
Take care, Ann :-)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
We had a great time.....
Well sadly our Retreat has come and gone, but what an awesome time we had!! Thank you to each and every one of you for making the weekend what it was and a special thanks to the ladies from the Kilcoy RSL Women's Auxiliary who looked after us so well with our meals - my goodness we were spoiled.
Here are a few photos of the weekend:-

The class with Michelle Jamieson was so inspirational for many - it was great to see many of the ideas learned in the class applied to some of your other layouts over the weekend. Here is a photo of her layout:-
I hope that we can catch up with many of you at the October Retreat in Noosa - fun is guaranteed!!
Take care, Ann :-)